The school year is fast approaching and the anticipation of a new adventure is growing. Here is some sage advice from our Director to help get you and your family ready for the first day.

A major focus at this time every year is getting the children ready for a positive start to their preschool experience. This means that you, the parents, must be feeling positive and happy about our school. Children can sense when their parents are anxious or nervous, so try to RELAX and ENJOY. Take a trip by the school a few times before the first day and show your children the route that you will take. Talk about what you see (familiarity is soothing and calming). Some of the most important things you can do for your child is to be sure they are in bed at a reasonable hour, wake up early enough to have plenty of time for a leisurely morning, eat a healthy breakfast and play soothing music on the way to school (bringing a hungry and tired child to school is just not good). A great habit to share with your child is packing their backpack together the night before, with pictures of the family, extra clothes and shoes, and maybe a favorite book (we do not encourage packing toys…they get lost and favorite blankets and pacifiers are safer in the car). This relaxes all involved in the process. The child is happy to know what is in their back pack and subsequently the parent is relaxed because they know the job is done. This is something you will want your child to do on their own as they get older, so don’t hesitate. Start now!

We are excited to welcome all our new and returning families back to school. We’ll see you in a few days, in the meantime here are some pictures from last year.

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