Palos Verdes Hills Nursery School is a parent participation school founded in 1953 and established at its present site in 1958. This unique cooperative institution is owned and administered by participating parents who desire greater involvement in their children’s first school experience. Our school is based on the idea that the best education for a child is the active partnership of parents, teachers and children.
Palos Verdes Hills Nursery School is a nonprofit corporation and is governed by the general membership through a parent-run Board of Directors.
A member of the California Council of Parent Participating Nursery Schools, P. V. Hills is among the first preschool programs in the United States to be accredited by the National Academy of Early Childhood Programs. The Academy, a division of NAEYC, recognizes early childhood programs which meet national standards of quality.
In February 1963 the Publicity Chairperson submitted an article to the LA Times that spoke about the founding of our school and about the brave women who started it. It is amazing that so little has changed since those early years. The school is still in the same building, we have the same bike path winding through the beautiful playground, we still have the parent run board of directors, as well as our parents who volunteer to participate in the learning and growing process alongside their children. Here is the article as it was submitted to paper:
Early in 1953, ten Palos Verdes Peninsula women joined together to form a back-yard play group for their children. Later in the summer, the Palos Verdes Hills Cooperative Nursery School was incorporated under the State of California as a non-profit organization, and a license was obtained from the County Department of social welfare for pre-schoolers from the ages of three years to five years.
In early years, the school met on the Palos Verdes College grounds in Rolling Hills three days a week. Financial obligations were met through fashion teas and rummage sales. Then, in July 1955, the idea of a Peninsula Residential Directory was born. The directory would contain the names of all residents and merchants on the Palos Verdes Peninsula.
In 1956, the school was increased to five mornings a week with two alternating groups, accommodating a total of sixty children. Two paid directors and six mother-teachers were and are to be on the premises each day during the school hours.
In January 1958, an new location was purchased at 3412 Lariat Lane, Rolling Hills (*which is now 6 Lariat Lane). A building was constructed and equipment and other facilities were added to the grounds. Also, a monthly newsletter was started and a yearly handbook compiled to inform the members of school progress, policies and procedures.
In the year 1961, the mortgage on the building was paid off. The enlistment of the consultation services of Pacific Oaks Friends school in Pasadena was obtained to help revise good techniques in working with pre-school age children. Certificates of Honorary Membership were awarded to various people for their outstanding contributions to the school over a long period of time.
Many hours of labor have been put into supplying, building and maintaining all the play equipment, materials and facilities. Major work projects of upkeep and repair have been handled by many fathers of the pre-schoolers.
Yearly, a President and various Chairmen are elected by the General Membership to govern the nursery school. Even with this annual change of officers, the growth and leadership of the school has continued to improve and expand. Concluding her term as President is Mrs. Arthur Vieweg, 2506 Harbor Sight Drive, Rolling Hills.
Activities enjoyed by the children are numerous. These include art work that encourages freedom of expression, songs, books, records, playhouse facilities, handicraft supplies, and an excellent selection of outdoor equipment. These available activities allow a wide variety, both physical and aesthetic, for experimentation, learning and self expression.
The Peninsula Directory, now in its eight year of publication, is completely organized and mailed by the mothers of attending pre-schoolers under the direction of a Directory chairman. It is the main source of income for the nursery school and contributions by those receiving directories aid in the maintenance and upkeep program of the school.
“The underlying purpose of the Palos Verdes Hills Cooperative Nursery School is to meet the educational and social needs of our children and parents, and to stimulate an active interest in furthering the education of both.” These words, quoted from the monthly newsletter heading, might better express the continual purpose and aim of the members and directors of the Palos Verdes Cooperative Nursery School.
Mrs. Ronald L. Ziegler – Publicity Chairman, Palos Verdes Hills Coop Nursery School
A few photos of the school from 1958: